SparkyLinux 3.6 LXDE, MATE, Razor-Qt & Xfce

sparky 3.6 lxde

I am happy to announce the fourth and the last this year iso images of SparkyLinux 3.6 “Annagerman” LXDE, MATE, Razor-Qt and Xfce. At the beginning, I’d like to thank to all of our small but strong community members for their help with searching and solving bugs and problems. SparkyLinux 3.6 provides (as usual) all … Read more

SparkyLinux 3.5 LXDE, Razor-Qt, CLI, E18 & E19-dev is out

SparkyLinux 3.5 “Annagerman” LXDE, Razor-Qt, CLI, Enlightenment 18 & 19-dev is out. New Live/Install iso images provide up to date packages and a few changes. All packages have been synchronized with Debian “testing” repositories as of 02/09/2014. The system runs on Linux kernel 3.14.2 (3.14.15-2). This time the Enlightenment edition is available in two versions: … Read more

SparkyLinux 3.4.1

SparkyLinux 3.4.1 LXDE, e18, Razor-Qt, MATE, Xfce, Base (Openbox) and GameOver x86_64 is ready to go. The new updated iso images of SparkyLinux 3.4.1 providing a bug fixing detected in 64 bit iso images only. The bug did not let to run the Live system from USB disk on machines features UEFI motherboard. It didn’t … Read more

SparkyLinux 3.4 LXDE, e18 & Razor-Qt is out

sparky 3.3 xfce

SparkyLinux 3.4 “Annagerman” LXDE, Razor-Qt and Enlightenment 18 is out. New iso images of SparkyLinux 3.4 provide a ton of updates, some changes and system improvements, such as: – Linux kernel 3.14 – all packages upgraded from Debian testing repositories as of 2014/05/31 – LXDE 0.5.5-6 – Openbox 3.5.2-6 – Razor-Qt 0.5.2-4 – Enlightenment has … Read more

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