Upgrade Checker 0.1.10

aptus upgrade cron

There is an update of Sparky APTus Upgrade Checker 0.1.10 available in our repos. The Upgrade Checker checks package lists and displays an information about new updates, in a small graphical window. The latest version provides such changes: 1. Clicking on the “Yes” button to run Sparky Upgrade tool needs root password to be entered … Read more

Update checker & notifier

upgrade checker

There is a new, small tool available for Sparkers: Update Checker & Notifier The tool checks (in shadow) packages to be upgraded and displays notification on desktop. Installation: sudo apt update sudo apt install sparky-aptus-upgrade-checker Then reboot to let it start working. It doesn’t run if: • running live system • no active internet connection … Read more

EFL 1.18.0

  There is an update of EFL 1.18.0 ready in Sparky repository now. Due to the Enlightenment’s developers changes, the ‘evas-generic-loaders’, ’emotion-generic-players’ and ‘elementary’ have been merged into the EFL package and they are no available (as separated packages) in Sparky repos any more. There is no changes with installing Enlightenment, so do it as … Read more

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