New mirror in India

There is a new package and ISO mirror available for Sparkers: – India IN1 This mirror is provided by the Astian, Inc. organization: Thanks a lot! Mirrors configuration can be found at our Wiki: Make sure, the Singapore2 SI2 mirror is deleted so if you been using it, simply switch to Singapore1 SI1 … Read more

New mirrors in USA and Singapore

There are 3 new package and ISO mirrors available for Sparkers: – NY, USA: us1 – Singapore, Asia: si1 – Singapore, Asia: si2 All 3 mirrors are provided by the Astian, Inc. organization: Thanks a lot! Mirrors configuration can be found at our Wiki: We invite companies and organizations that would like to … Read more


There is a new desktop available for Sparkers: Mlvwm What is Mlvwm? MLVWM Macintosh-like Virtual Window Manager is an X11 window manager with a classic MacOS appearance. Its primary features include: – Emulation of MacOS 7 & 8 menu bar & window decorations – Optional multiple virtual desktops – A main menu bar across the … Read more

Sparky unstable repo deactivated

Due to misunderstanding of purpose of Sparky ‘unstable’ repo by many Sparky users, specially new ones, the Sparky unstable repo have been deactivated. Sparky unstable repo features Sparky builds of Linux kernel only, but some of you can think that packages from Sparky unstable repo in Sparky stable, oldstable or testing line can damage your … Read more

Mirror in USA

There is a new repo mirror available for Sparkers, located in Chicago, USA. Mirror US1 is provided by the – thanks a lot! If you would like to provide a mirror repo server in your location, send a message via contact form, please. Requirements and settings: If you’d like, I can set … Read more

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