
Paweł ‘pavroo’ Pijanowski – founder, developer, repo holder, Sparky tools creator & iso builder

Community members help with many different tasks; for privacy reason, I can publish nick names only. In alphabetical order:
Capitan Jack
The Black Pig
And Sparky tools translators – you can find their names at locale files at our Wiki.

If you’d like you can join our community to help making SparkyLinux better than it is now.
How can you help:
1. Test Live version, install it on your hard (or virtual) drive and report bugs.
2. Find solutions for existing problems or check to do list (at sourceforge).
3. Suggest your own improvements / changes.
4. Translate Sparky tools to your language (see Wiki page for details).
5. Help our community members at our forums.
6. Tell your friends about Linux and SparkyLinux.

43 thoughts on “Team”

  1. Hi! It would be nice if the display brightess tool in the LXQt Settings could function in a normal way in SparkyLinux 7.4 LXQt. Too dim and cannot make brighter on Dell Lattitude. All the rest is perfect. Thanks!

  2. Jestem distrohopper po powrocie do linuxa po przerwie ponad 10 lat. Sprobowalem wiele nowych/starych dystrybucji i z ciekawosci SL i moge tylko pogratulowac; szybkosc, szybkosc i szybkosc. Stabilnosc tez na najwyzszym poziomie. Jedyna wada jaka znalazlem to brak air-wsd do mojego skanera (samsung m2070). Distro 9.5/10, dzieki za wspaniala robote! (ps xfce i lxqt sa szybkie i oszczedne, ale z tego co widze, zazwyczaj nowi / poczatkujacy cenia sobie wyglad ponad wszystko – bo to zawsze rzuca sie na pierwszy rzut oka jako porownanie do windowsa; moze wersja z cinnamon albo budgie? – mowie o semi-rolling bo poczatkujacy tez chca nowego (zapewne nawet jesli nie potrzebuja). Mi wystarcza wersja z kde i gameover – rowniez swietna robota (wersja z nvidia?). I brakuje reklamy, to distro smialo mogloby byc oficjalnym polskim linuxem! Pozdrawiam

  3. Would be nice if we could have the Maxx Interactive Desktop (IRIX) added to the choice of desktops. Been using it with the “Lirix Operating system” and it works really well.

  4. Obrigado pela contribuição, estou usando o Sparky em um computador Athlon X2, 8gb de memória RAM, está rodando muito bem.


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