Sparky unstable repo deactivated

Due to misunderstanding of purpose of Sparky ‘unstable’ repo by many Sparky users, specially new ones, the Sparky unstable repo have been deactivated.

Sparky unstable repo features Sparky builds of Linux kernel only, but some of you can think that packages from Sparky unstable repo in Sparky stable, oldstable or testing line can damage your systems. I already received a few messages about that.

They can’t, cause there are only kernel packages only, as I said before…

Anyway, the Sparky kernel related packages moved to Sparky ‘core’ repo now.
Update of ‘sparky-apt-unstable’ 20230802 package disables the unstable repo.
You can also safely uninstall the ‘sparky-apt-unstable’ package.

Sparky APTus 20230802 of the Sparky 6,7 and 8 does not reconfigure the unstable repo during Sparky’s Linux kernel installation any more.

3 thoughts on “Sparky unstable repo deactivated”

  1. aunque todos conocemos que la version inestables es para probar paquetes nuevos en este caso como informa sparky kerneles nuevos,para su uso en la version estable (en el caso de debian transicion mucho mas segura entre keneles).en el caso de esta noticia la rama inestable quedara desabilitada ?.
    solo estara la version lts ? ya que la rama inestables sin los paquetes
    seria otra rama estable basada en debian 12? ,que diferencia ahora la rama lts con la semi estable ?, disculpe tantas preguntas ,pero con la noticia me surgieron bastantes dudas (aun estando en la rama estable) ya que se oye bastante interesante

    • There are no changes in Sparky branches, versions, etc. Just moved Sparky kernels to core repo, and removing unstable repo which is no needed any more. Will be set other repo to test packages when ready.


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