Changes at Sparky Enlightenment settings

sparky 5.5 enlightenment

There is a small but important change in the Sparky’s default Enlightenment settings. You can ignore this post if you have only Enlightenment desktop installed. If you installed Sparky with Enlightenment with ‘sparky-desktop-enlightenment’ meta packages, via APTus or Minimal iso image, and have more than just the Enlightenment desktop installed – there is a conflict … Read more

Extra 0.0.1


There is a new, small application available in Sparky repos, for Enlightenment lovers: Extra 0.0.1. Extra is a app which allows you to install elementary themes on your computer. The app is based on elementary and uses efl libraries to download the theme. It does so by fetching themes from Installation: sudo apt-get update … Read more

Enlightenment 0.21.4

  There is an update of Enlightenment 0.21.4 ready in Sparky repository now. Make upgrade as usually: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get dist-upgrade If you would like to make fresh installations, run: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install enlightenment   There are also a few important, 3rd party updates landed to the repos as well: … Read more

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