EFL 1.18.0

Last Updated on: 20th September 2023, 03:41 pm


There is an update of EFL 1.18.0 ready in Sparky repository now.

Due to the Enlightenment’s developers changes, the ‘evas-generic-loaders’, ’emotion-generic-players’ and ‘elementary’ have been merged into the EFL package and they are no available (as separated packages) in Sparky repos any more.

There is no changes with installing Enlightenment, so do it as before:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install enlightenment

To upgrade EFL and other Enlightenment’s tools, do:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

It removes ‘evas-generic-loaders’, ’emotion-generic-players’ and ‘elementary’ automatically so no need any special users attention.


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