SparkyLinux 4.4 is out

Last Updated on: 4th September 2021, 11:51 pm

New updated live/install iso images of SparkyLinux 4.4 “Tyche” are available to download now.

As before, Sparky “Home” editions provide fully featured operating system based on the Debian ‘testing’, with desktops of your choice: LXDE, LXQt, KDE, MATE and Xfce.

Changes between versions 4.3 and 4.4:
– full system upgrade as of August 15, 2016
– Linux kernel 4.6.4 (4.7.1-sparky is available in Sparky repos, see howto)
– firefox 45.3.0.ESR (firefox 48 is available in Sparky repos)
– calamares is available (but not default yet) in our repos
– new default theme called ‘Numix-SX’
– added new desktops to MinimalISO and APTus: Lumina, Trinity and PekWM
– ‘tint2’ panel replaced by ‘fbpanel’ in the MinimalGUI iso images
– added ‘rootactions-servicemenu’ to the Dolphin file manager in the KDE edition
– added short key which runs a terminal emulator in the MinimalGUI edition (Super+t)
– added an option which lets you install a PDF viewer, to the ‘sparky-office’ tool
– Midori web browser replaced by NetSurf in the MinimalGUI edition
– the ‘sparky-firstrun’ which lets you fully upgrade the system and install missing language packages has been fixed
– the ‘sparkylinux-installer’ – a part of ‘sparky-backup-core’ tool refreshes package list itself and installs the latest desktop settings in the MinimalGUI and MinimalCLI editions
– added Vivaldi and NetSurf web browsers to Sparky repos
– improved Wiki pages

The Sparky Advanced Installer runs on MinimalGUI or MinimalCLI iso image lets you install the base system with a minimal set of applications and a desktop of your choice, such as: awesome, bspwm, Budgie, Cinnamon, Enlightenment, Fluxbox, GNOME Flashback, GNOME Shell, i3, IceWM, JWM, KDE Plasma 5, Lumina, LXDE, LXQt, MATE, Openbox, Pantheon, PekWM, Trinity, Window Maker, Xfce.

It also lets you choose a web browser to be installed: Chromium, Dillo, Epiphany, Firefox (esr or latest), Konqueror, Midori, NetSurf, QupZilla, SeaMonkey, TOR Browser, Vivaldi.

The installation of a desktop of your choice via the Advanced Installer is possible only if your network connection is on (online installation). Otherwise, the Advanced Installer installs the Live system as it is.

Read the MinimalISO how to

ISO images of SparkyLinux can be downloaded from the download page:

Sparky ISO images verification how to:

Known issues: login screen failed, see how to fix it.

1 thought on “SparkyLinux 4.4 is out”

  1. Is the mate built using GTk3? Debian testing migrated to that a while back . If yes then, this makes this particular sparky release quite awesome. please highlight it in the changelogs. and also thank you for the awesome job as always !


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