SparkyLinux 3.4.1

Last Updated on: 29th April 2022, 02:13 pm

SparkyLinux 3.4.1 LXDE, e18, Razor-Qt, MATE, Xfce, Base (Openbox) and GameOver x86_64 is ready to go.

The new updated iso images of SparkyLinux 3.4.1 providing a bug fixing detected in 64 bit iso images only. The bug did not let to run the Live system from USB disk on machines features UEFI motherboard.
It didn’t let to test and install the system.

The bug does not make any change or a problem on machines feature BIOS or on virtual machines.

The error has been removed thanks to quick reaction and cooperation between Wayne – our community member, MoroS and me (pavroo) – thank’s a lot.

You don’t have to reinstall your system if you have SparkyLinux installed on a hard/USB/virtual drive. Simply make full system upgrade and keep it up to date.
New iso images can be used to make fresh Sparky installation.

Remember that the ‘old’ installer is still available in the live system and it’s recommended for ‘old’ machines. You can launch in text mode, by the command:
sudo sparkylinux-installer
or in graphical mode:
sudo sparkylinux-installer gui
New iso images of SparkyLinux you can grab from our download page

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