SparkyLinux 3.4 GameOver

Last Updated on: 20th September 2023, 12:04 pm

SparkyLinux 3.4 “GameOver” is out.

It has been built on the top of SparkyLinux 3.4 “Annagerman” and it’s fully compatible with Debian “testing” Jessie.
“GameOver” is a special edition of Sparky targeted to game players.

“GameOver” 3.4 feautures :
– access to games compiled for Linux platform
– access to “popular” and “modern” games via Steam and Desura platforms
– access to many games created for MS Windows platform via Wine and PlayOnLinux
– access to “old” games created for discontinued machines and systems via emulators

What’s under the hood of GameOver 3.4:
– Linux kernel 3.14-1 (3.14.7-1)
– all packages upgraded from Debian testing repositories as of 2014/07/03
– LXDE 0.5.5-6, Openbox 3.5.2-6, PCManFM 1.2.0-1, Iceweasel 30.0-2 and a few important applications
– support for installation on machines with EFI
– systemd is the default init system now, see how to change sysvinit to systemd: sparky-systemd
– the repository list has been split:
* the main one features Debian repository only inside the file /etc/apt/sources.list
* all additional repositories have been moved to the directory /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
– added new packages: hardinfo, mintstick
– steam & steam-launcher
– desura for linux
– wine & playonlinux
– set of old machines and systems emulators:
* DeSmuME – emulator for Nintendo DS games
* DOSBox – DOS system emulator
* MAME – arcade games emulator + GUI front-end GNOME Video Arcade
* NEStopia – Nintendo Entertainment System emulator
* PCSX-Reloaded – Sony PlayStation emulator
* Stella – Atari 2600 emulator
* Visual Boy Advance – Gameboy, Gameboy Advance and Gameboy Color emulator
* Yabause – Sega Saturn emulator
* ZSNES – emulator of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System
– set of games: 0ad, 3dchess, airstrike, alienblaster, amphetamine, antigravitaattori, armagetronad, asciijump, asylum, atomix, balder2d, barrage, berusky, billard-gl, biniax2, black-box, blobandconquer, blobby, bloaboats, blockout2, brainparty, btanks, bygfoot, chromium-bsu, einstein, extremetuxracer, five-or-more, flare, foobillardplus, four-in-a-row, freecraft, freedroid, frozen-bubble, funnyboat, gnome-chess, gnome-hearts, gnome-klotski, gnome-mahjongg, gnome-mastermind, gnome-mines, gnome-nibbles, gnome-robots, gome-sudoku, gnome-tetravex, gnubik, gnuchess, gnugo, gtkatlantic, gtkpool, gunroar, holdingnuts, iango, lbreakout2, lightsoff, liquidwar, ltris, maelstorm, megaglest, minetest, mokomaze, monopd, monsterz, moon-buggy, moon-lander, netmaze, netpanzer, neverball, neverputt, openarena, pacman, performous, pingus, quadrapassel, scorched3d, slimevolley, smc, snake4, snowballz, supertux, supertuxkart, swell-foop, tali, teeworlds, tennix, tetzle, tomatoes, transcend, warzone2100, wesnoth, widelands, xblast, xmoto, zaz

Live system user is: live
Password: live
Root password is blank.

Minimum system requirements for SparkyLinux “GameOver” :
– CPU i486 / amd64
– 256 MB of RAM memory (some games need more than that – 500-1000MB recommended)
– an optical DVD drive or 4GB USB stick for Live medium
– 20 GB of space for installation on a hard drive (30GB recommended)
– 16 GB of Flash/Pen USB drive for “normal” installation (32GB recommended)

New iso images of SparkyLinux you can grab from our download page
New iso images can be used to make fresh Sparky installation.
You don’t have to reinstall your system if you have Sparky installed on your machine.
Just make full system upgrade and follow the enclosed upgrading guides.

Known bugs:
– using ‘dd’ command or it’s GUI to copy 64 bit iso image onto an USB disk can make a problem with booting the live system on machines features UEFI

Our old forum has been converted to a new one and it’s located in the same place: forums
Users of the old forum can log in to the new one using their existing nicks and passwords.


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