DDE updated up to 15.4.1

sparky 5 deepin

The deepin desktop environment related packages have been updated up to the latest versions and moved to a separated repository. Due to a few dependency problems, all dde related packages have been moved to new sparky’s “dde” repository: deb https://sparkylinux.org/repo dde main deb-src https://sparkylinux.org/repo dde main stored in: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sparky-dde.list The new repos will be set … Read more

Deepin Desktop Environment

sparky 4 deepin

The Deepin desktop is not available for Sparky any more! There is a new desktop available for Sparkers now: Deepin Desktop Environment. DDE (Deepin Desktop Environment) is a lightweight, elegant desktop environment originally created for the Linux Deepin distribution. Installation Installation on existing Sparky installation, alongside to other desktops can be performed via APT/Synaptic/APTus. 1. … Read more

Sparky 4.x MinimalISO installations screenshots

awesome bspwm Budgie Desktop CDE Cinnamon Deepin Enlightenment Fluxbox GNOME Flashback GNOME Shell i3 IceWM JWM KDE Plasma 5 Lumina LXDE LXQt Pantheon MATE Openbox PekWM Trinity (TDE) Window Maker   Back to -> Screenshots main page  

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