Sparky 4.3-dev3 MinimalISO

sparky 4 bspwm

This is the 3th and probably the last development version of SparkyLinux 4.3-dev3 MinimalISO. Changes between Sparky 4.3-dev2 and dev3: 1. Improved the Sparky Advanced Installer: – added 4 more desktops: bspwm, i3, Pantheon and Window Maker – added more options to be saved in the log file; if any problem with the advanced installer, … Read more

APTus 0.3.0

There is an update of Sparky APTus 0.3.0 available in our repository now. The new version provides: 1. A new tab called “Desktop” which lets you install 18 desktops with as small number of additional tools as possible, and with Sparky “look & feel”. It is the same list of desktops as provided by Sparky … Read more

Eflete 0.6.1


There is a new tool from the “e” group targeted to the Enlightenment users and developers, available in the Sparky repository now: Eflete. EFL Edje Theme Editor (eflete) is a EFL theme editor with some convenient functions. Eflete oriented towards theme editor and UI design, and not GUI over the edc syntax. Installation: sudo apt-get … Read more

Accessibility Toolbar