APTus Upgrade 0.1.23

Last Updated on: 20th September 2023, 03:33 pm


There is some changes in the Sparky’s default upgrade tool Sparky APTus Upgrade (aka System Upgrade) 0.1.23, such as:

– added ‘–no-install-recommends’ option (it is not the default) to avoid installation extra packages which are not dependencies to the existing ones, but they are recommended and are installed as default. Using the new option, upgrade process will not install the recommended packages. Make sure that the first option called “Upgrade” make full system upgrade as it was making before.

– the changelog is displaying in a Yad window now, instead of a text editor. It also cut of some lines, keeping only the most important.

All the scripts have been reconfigured, so please install and test it.

The ‘sparky-aptus-upgrade’ 0.1.23 package is available from Sparky’s ‘unstable’ repository.


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