Vote for Sparky on SourceForge

SparkyLinux has been selected to be on the ballot for the April SourceForge project of the Month. This vote will be conducted on SourceForge, and will run until April 4th. Anyone with a SourceForge account is eligible to vote. The project of the month gets listed at the top of the front page of the … Read more

SparkyLinux 3.3 MATE, Xfce & Base

sparky 3.3 base

SparkyLinux 3.3 “Annagerman” MATE, Xfce and Base is out. New iso images of SparkyLinux provide updates and some improvements, such as: – Linux kernel 3.13 – all packages upgraded from Debian testing repositories as of 2014/03/16 – the same set of new apps and tools which have been added to Sparky 3.3 LXDE, e17 and … Read more

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