Sparky APTus 0.1.8

Last Updated on: 20th September 2023, 11:51 am

There is an update of Sparky APTus 0.1.8 available at our repository.


1. Xterm terminal emulator, which used to do all operations, has been dropped.
From now, APTus uses the default x-terminal emulator of your desktop, for example:
– LXDE – lxterminal
– MATE – mate-terminal
– Xfce – xfce4-terminal, etc.

They properly display different letters than English.

2. Updating of the package list has been removed from the options: “Upgrade” and “Dist_Upgrade”.
To upgrade the system, run “Update” option as the first, then “Upgrade” or “Dist_Upgrade” (recommended: Dist_Upgrade).

3. The last change is a new option “NonFree”, which lets you to quick and painless remove Non-Free and Restricted packages from your system.

I understand that not everyone would like or can use packages like that. The “NonFree” option will remove all of them without a problem.

Just launch the “NonFree” option to display all Non-Free and Restricted packages installed in your system. Next, you can remove them (OK) or stop this operation (Exit).

Sparky APTus can be installed from our repository.

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