SparkyLinux 3.3.2-test3 is out

Last Updated on: 18th November 2016, 08:19 pm


New testing iso image of SparkyLinux 3.3.2-test3 Base Edition is out.

This is the third and probably the last testing iso image before the final version of Sparky 3.4 will be published in June.

As usual, all packages have been upgraded from Debian “testing’ repository (14/May/2014).

New iso image of 3.3.2-test3 includes changes:
– Linux kernel has been upgraded up to version 3.14 from Debian “Sid” repos
– systemd is the default init system for Live system and after a hard drive installation
– the live installer has been upgraded
– Netsurt web browser has been replaced by Iceweasel
– Wicd network manager has been replaced by NetworkManager
– general clean up and minor fixes

We still ask for testing, specially the 64 bit version on machines with UEFI.

The testing iso images are placed in ‘development’ section on our download page.


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