Sparky news 2017/04/29

April, April… and the April almost gone… What’s up? – rebuilt Calamares to disable LUKS in autopartitioning option – Sparky builds based on upcoming Debian stable Stretch are set now, the live system uses Calamares instead of the old ‘live-installer’ – Budgie Desktop removed from Sparky repos – it is available from Debian repos now … Read more

Sparky news 2017/03/29

The time goes fast and the next month almost gone… So, what changed? – the latest development iso image 4.6-dev20170307 was shipped with Calamares 3.1, with support of installation on 32 and 64 bit BIOS/UEFI machines – some Sparky packages have been updated to version 4~YYYYMMDD and landed in Sparky’s “stable” repository, to be ready … Read more

Sparky news 2017/02/28

  I heard that the community portals are closed 29 and 30 of February this year, so I posted the latest news today 🙂 What happened in the February: – built and added meta packages of GameOver, Multimedia and Rescue editions, so you can easily install the tools on the top of your Sparky installation … Read more

Sparky news 2017/01/30

The first month of the 2017 almost gone, so what did happen? The most important changes are: – the latest update of ‘policykit-1-gnome’ package reverts patch to the old one, so need to fix it manually – to avoid the above problem in the future and keep control via the update channel, I created a … Read more

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