Sparky news 2017/02/28

Last Updated on: 28th February 2017, 08:58 pm


I heard that the community portals are closed 29 and 30 of February this year, so I posted the latest news today 🙂

What happened in the February:
– built and added meta packages of GameOver, Multimedia and Rescue editions, so you can easily install the tools on the top of your Sparky installation
– added new tool: pmrp – a text based radio player
– Enlightenment updated up to version 0.21.6 and added new “e” tool: Extra
– Sparky’s Linux kernel updated up to version 4.10.1
– released update of Sparky Minimal iso images 4.5.4
– built the ‘calamares’ installer 3.1 package – it’s during testing now.


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