SparkyLinux – full USB stick installation

SparkyLinux has gotten a new functionality – full installation on USB stick. It means that you can do “normal” system installation, similar to the hard drive installation. Key features: – don’t need to cut your hard drive any more – it’s possible to save your personal files, perform system upgrades, install new apps – everything … Read more

How to install SparkyLinux 2.x/3.x on a hard drive?

To install SparkyLinux on a hard/usb drive run desktop’s “SparkyLinux installer” icon. You can also use text mode installer – instead of GUI: sudo sparkylinux-installer   1. Target system’s language 1. Run the installer and click “Yes”. 2. The installer will install the system with locales you’ve chosen at start boot and US English keyboard … Read more

How to burn SparkyLinux ISO image on any Linux host?

If your machine running under Linux distribution, just use default burning application you have. You can also choose different, one of available burning apps designed for Linux, such as Brasero (for example). 1. Run the application and click “Burn image” button. 2. Select SparkyLinux iso image from your local disk. 3. Open “Properties” option and … Read more

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