SparkyLinux 2.0 “Eris”

  The final version of SparkyLinux 2.0 “Eris” e17/LXDE just arrived. The system has been completely built on Debian testing “Wheezy”. The default desktop is as usually Enlightenment, but there is (at the same media) LXDE desktop as well. It has been added for these users witch are not happy with e17. Both system’s desktops … Read more

SparkyLinux 2.0 beta2

SparkyLinux 2.0 “Eris” beta2 e17/LXDE jest ready to use. The system has been build on Debian testing “Wheezy” packages. What’s new in beta2 ? – a few problems have been fixed, including ‘fstab’ file missing in Live – default launchbar has been changed – Wbar has been replaced with customized LXDE panel (LXDE desktop only) … Read more

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