SparkyLinux 3.0.1 Ultra update

This is an update of SparkyLinux 3.0.1 Ultra Edition ready for download. The last system upgrade from Debian “testing” repositories caused an error of “marchobmenu”, which is pre-installed as default with Openbox desktop. The problematic package of the situation was “python-xdg” – its update from version 0.19-5 to 0.25-3 resulted losing compatibility with the “marchobmenu” … Read more

SparkyLinux 3.0 is out

sparky 3 lxde

SparkyLinux 3.0 “Annagerman” is out. Sparky 3.x is built on the “testing” branch of Debian GNU/Linux “Jessie”. The final release of Sparky 3.0 features: – Linux kernel 3.9.8-1 – all packages updating from Debian testing repositories as of 2013/07/21 – minor bugs fixing – small improvements of all the desktops – new Sparky3-theme compatible with … Read more

SparkyLinux 3.0 RC is out

  SparkyLinux 3.0 RC “Annagerman” is out. Sparky 3.x is built on the “testing” branch of Debian GNU/Linux “Jessie”. The release candidate of Sparky 3 provides a few more changes and system improvement, such as: 1. All packages have been synchronized with Debian testing repos as of 2013/07/06. 2. Linux kernel 3.9-1 3. SparkyBackup-System has … Read more

SparkyLinux 3.0 beta2 is out

SparkyLinux 3.0 beta2 “Annagerman” has been released. Sparky 3.x has been built on the “testing” branch of Debian GNU/Linux “Jessie”. Sparky 3 beta2 provides more changes and system improvements, such as: 1. All packages have been synchronized with Debian testing repos as of 17/06/2013. 2. Added new applications: – Device Driver Manager –  is a … Read more

SparkyLinux 3.0 beta1 Core is out

  SparkyLinux 3.0 beta1 Core “Annagerman” is ready for testing. It has been built on the “testing” branch of Debian GNU/Linux “Jessie”. It’s designed for people who want to build their own desktop over the top of Debian testing or unstable Sid. What is inside of Sparky Core Live? 1. Debian testing base system, synchronized … Read more

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