SparkyLinux 2.1 “Eris” Ultra Edition

sparky 2.1 ultra edition

SparkyLinux 2.1 “Eris” Ultra Edition” has been released! The system is built as all 2.x releases on Debian testing “Wheezy”. All packages have been synchronized with Debian testing repositories of 23/01/2013. It features customized ultra light and fast Openbox desktop. What else? – Fluxbox is out – I wasn’t happy with it so all my … Read more

SparkyLinux 2.1 rc Ultra Edition

New year and new challenges. One of them I just realized 🙂 SparkyLinux 2.1 rc “Eris” Ultra Edition has been released. It’s well known SparkyLinux 2.0 “Eris” but with new, ultra lightweight two desktops: Fluxbox and Openbox. SparkyLinux e17/LXDE is light for sure, but the “Ultra” Edition is even lighter. All SparkyLinux releases 2.x code … Read more

Live users and passwords

SparkyLinux Live mode user name is: live The password is: live System root (administrator) password is blank. If you have to work as superuser, use “sudo” (with no password): sudo command If you have to work as root, do: sudo su To set up Live mode root password: sudo su passwd

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