Sparky 2020.05

The May snapshot of Sparky 2020.05 of the (semi-)rolling line is out. It is based on the Debian testing “Bullseye”. Changes: • upgrade from Debian testing repos as of May 5, 2020 • Linux kernel 5.6.7 (5.6.10 & 5.7-rc4 in Sparky unstable repos) • Calamares 3.2.23 • added additional support of Sparky installation on UEFI … Read more

Sparky 2020.04~dev0

Call for testers! It is a development release of Sparky which is based on Debian testing “Bullseye”. Goals: • added support of installation Sparky on UEFI machines with Secure Boot; the live system should be booted with Secure Boot off; after installation the Secure Boot can be turned on • both installers: Calamares and Sparky’s … Read more

Sparky 2020.03

The March 2020 snapshot of Sparky 2020.03 “Po Tolo” of the (semi-)rolling line is out. It is based on the Debian testing “Bullseye”. Changes: – system upgraded from Debian testing repos as of March 7, 2020 – Calamares installer 3.2.20 – Linux kernel 5.4.19 as default (5.5.8 & 5.6-rc4 in Sparky unstable repos) – changed … Read more

Sparky 2020.02 Special Editions

Special editions of Sparky 2020.02 “Po Tolo” of the (semi-)rolling line: GameOver, Multimedia & Rescue have been released. It is based on the testing branch of Debian “Bullseye”. GameOver Edition features a very large number of preinstalled games, useful tools and scripts. It’s targeted to gamers. Multimedia Edition features a large set of tools for … Read more

Sparky 2020.02.1

Sparky 2020.02.1 “Po Tolo” of the (semi-)rolling line is out. It is based on the testing branch of Debian “Bullseye”. This is a minor update, which temporary fixes a problem of installing Sparky via Calamares with kpmcore 4. Changes between Sparky 2020.02 and 2020.02.1: • system upgraded from Debian testing repos as of February 13, … Read more

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