APTus 0.3.14

aptus 0.3.14

There is an update of Sparky APTus 0.3.14 available in our repository. Changelog: 1. removed “–yes” option of the apt command from installation of Debian, Liquorix amd Sparky kernels: – it displays amount of all packages to be downloaded and needs your confirmation now 2. re-written ‘old-kernel-remover’ script (honestly written a brand new): – uses … Read more



A new application is available for Sparkers: Qt5ct. This utility allows users to configure Qt5 settings (theme, font, icons, etc.) under DE/WM without Qt integration. Qt5ct could use qt5 gtk theme, KDE breeze theme, the fusion theme, QtCurve theme and many more. Each style could be customized further by changing the color schema. Installation via … Read more

Git repository moved to GitHub

Sparky source code git repository has been moved to GitHub platform. Committing and changing should be easier now, so if you would like to change/help something in coding, simply join our small team: https://github.com/sparkylinux Translators could upload their locale changes directly to the new repos. The old git repository on SourceForge is still active, but … Read more

wm-logout 0.3.0

wm-logout 0.3

There is a small update of Sparky’s wm-logout tool 0.3.0. The wm-logout tool provides Yad based widow which lets you log out, hibernate, restart or shut down the system. It is targeted to tiny window managers, such as: Openbox, Fluxbox, i3, Jwm, IceWM, bspwm, awesome, etc., and is pre-installed in Sparky’s Openbox edition (MinmalGUI iso). … Read more

Accessibility Toolbar