SparkyLinux 4.1

Last Updated on: 18th November 2016, 02:25 am

New iso images of SparkyLinux 4.1 are ready to go.
Sparky 4 is based on and fully compatible with Debian testing “Stretch”.

It’s the first update of SparkyLinux 4.x, which provides a few important changes, such as:
– full system upgrade from Debian testing repository as of 27/28 Sep 2015
– Linux kernel 4.1.6
– GCC 5.2.1
– systemd 226
– Plasma Desktop 5
– LibreOffice 5.0.1

Other changes:
– ‘Base’ Edition – ‘lxpolkit’ has been replaced by ‘policykit-1-gnome’
– deprecated Flash Player plugin removed – still can be installed via Sparky-Codecs tool or Synaptic
– added new package: ecryptfs-utils

The iso images are available in a few flavors, such as :
Full Edition – full set of applications for daily usage, wireless drivers, multimedia codecs and plugins:
– LXDE (lxde-common 0.99.0)
– LXQt (lxqt-common 0.9.1)
– KDE (Plasma Desktop 5.4.1)
– MATE 1.10.2
– Xfce 4.12.1

Base Edition – only the base system, lightweight desktop, wireless drivers and a few applications:
– Enlightenment 0.19.11
– JWM 2.1.0
– Openbox 3.6.1

CLI Edition – (Command Line Interface) – core system, wireless drivers and a few, text mode applications.
If you have SparkyLinux installed on a hard drive, make full system upgrade via ‘System Upgrade’ or Synaptic, or manually if you like:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get install -f

Users of KDE edition should install ‘plasma-desktop’ package as well.

If the upgrade made some problems for you, I suggest to backup your personal data and make fresh Sparky installation.

Iso images of Sparky can be downloaded from the download page

Thank’s for voting and your feedback which have been left at the last pull.
Next SparkyLinux 4.2 images are expected on the end of December 2015.

Known issues:
– there is Plasma 5 wallpaper loaded as default in KDE 64 bit edition, instead of Sparky’s wallpaper 🙁
– the live installer’s autologin option doesn’t work in the KDE edition.

If you like Sparky, don’t forget to send small tip to keep Sparky alive.


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