SparkyLinux 2.1 rc “Eris”

Last Updated on: 29th April 2022, 07:02 pm

SparkyLinux 2.1 rc “Eris” (Main Edition) is out.
The system is built as all 2.x releases on Debian testing “Wheezy”.

New iso e17/LXDE providing a lot of updates, bug fixing and new features, such as:
– Linux kernel 3.2.35
– Enlightenment 0.17.1
– all packages have been updates
– fixed USB Live system works
– added full system installation on USB stick
– new wallpapers and LaGaDesk-BlackWhite icon set
– added 12 new Enlightenment’s themes

To change the desktop between e17 and LXDE at Live system log out and log in back:
user: live
password: live

Thank’s for:
– Mati75 for iso mirror serwer
– Artram and Kynes for wallpapers

Test SparkyLinux and report any bug please.

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1 thought on “SparkyLinux 2.1 rc “Eris””

  1. Hi,

    Running this nice distro from usb full install, although i had trouble installing it. I tried both options on the installer, MBR and MBRRoot, but neither worked.

    To get the install sorted i used boot-repair from a live ubuntu-spinoff and that got my USB install of Sparky sorted. Don’t why it didn’t work in the first place.

    I Installed xfce from the siduction repos and at the moment so far so good, very snappy for my old thinkpad x41 tablet.

    Cheers from Belgium.


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