The FAQ pages can be out of date, use Wiki pages instead: https://wiki.sparkylinux.org/doku.php

I. SparkyLinux Live
1. How to burn SparkyLinux ISO image?
on Linux host
on MS Windows host
2. How to make SparkyLinux bootable USB key?
on SparkyLinux host
on any Linux, Mac OSX or MS Windows host
3. How to run SparkyLinux on “old” computers without a DVD drive
4. Live users and passwords
5. Live system missing permission – fixed

II. Installation
1. How to install SparkyLinux on hard drive?
2. How to make full installation of SparkyLinux on USB stick?

III. Packages management
1. How to add Sparky repository?
2. How to upgrade all packages?
3. How to install new packages?
4. How to install the newest linux kernel?
5. How to remove a package?
6. How to Sparky APTus
7. How to install Sparky APTus on Debian and Ubuntu
8. How to find restricted packages
9. Sparky rebranding

IV. Others
1. Users and groups management
2. How to change weather location – Ultra Edition
3. Sound problem – Ultra Edition – fixed
4. How to SparkyLinux CLI
5. How To SparkyLinux CLI 3.4 and above
6. Theme changing problem – fixed
7. LXDE + systemd
8. MATE 1.6 -> 1.8, Switch Mate repository from Mate to Debian
9. Sparky & systemd
10. How to: Set monitor resolution
11. How to: Upgrade Sparky E17 to E18
12. HowTo: Install JDownloader and synchronize it with Iceweasel
13. HowTo: LightScribe technology on Sparky host

V. System requirements
1. What is the minimum system requirements to run SparkyLinux?

VI. Custom ISO Builder
1. Rebuilding an iso image
2. Building new iso image

55 thoughts on “FAQ”

  1. Adun :

    Adun :
    Hi pavroo
    i changed the Openbox menu.xml to use the appllcations see post from 21.07.2013 17:30 Uhr
    i become an error from Openbox line 24.
    What can i do to use the application in Openbox without an error
    Sorry for my bad english

    When insert the menu.xml from openbox in your site it changed it.

  2. Hi,

    i have installed on my Laptop SparkyLinux 2.1.1 “Eris” Ultra Edition i386
    After the installation i have make an update with the Updatemanager
    In the Openbox Menu i can not open the application part, there come an error
    invaled output from usr/lib/marchobmenu/mom-deamon.py show

    What is here the problem python version change?

    best regard adun

  3. Is there a way to run the installer without being forced to provide a swap partition? It’s pretty pointless if you have sufficient RAM, and it’s outright wasteful on a cheap USB stick, which is where most of my portable installations go.

    I’m also curious as to whether or not you provide a means to boot directly to E17 on the disk that contains it and LXDE. “toram” is supported as a boot option, but nether “desktop=enlightenment” nor “desktop=e17” appear to get the job done. You have a remarkably nice LXDE (really, quite amazing — I can actually use it without getting too annoyed), but I much prefer Enlightenment.

  4. I posted this to sourceforge

    2.1 ultra 32bit
    after correct install to hard drive
    lightdm wants to auto login user “live”
    needs to have auto login user “live” removed

  5. I just wanted to thank you
    for a superb distro, I’ve tried a few and
    this one has a lot to offer, great features, good looks and
    most importantly lots of choice
    Nice to have a stable system to enjoy Enlightenment..!
    Thank you

  6. Well SparkyLinux 2.0.1 “GameOver” i386 just stalls on my computer.
    or it cant read my 1tera sata 3 drive achi mode.
    and or both sigh and i had my hopes up

  7. @pavroo
    How can I possibly post a file when the distro has not been installed?
    My only reason for reporting this problem was to make the developers aware of a bug in the installer. I’ve never encountered this problem before with any other distro. It’s a major bug.

    • I you found the bug means you tried installation. The file wa stored at Live system. Thank’s for reporting.

  8. Have attempted to install 2.1 Mate b1, but cannot install grub to the root partition. On the final installation screen, the grub location shows as MBR. Is there a workaround?

    • Hi
      It seems that there is a problem with GRUB install on root partition.
      Can you check file /var/log/remastersys-installer.log and put it here what can you see at line: GRUBLOC=

  9. superb distribution!

    I love it, good work, please keep on doing!

    La distribution Sparky permet d’instller une debian originale avec beaucoup de facilités.
    Je connais debian depuis le début et je félicite les personnes qui travaillent sur sparky.
    debian, freebsd depuis 1996 (jamais win ni mac!)

    • Sparky 2.0 e17 does not have conky preconfigured. LXDE desktop should has startup file at:
      If it is not there, create it and paste:
      [Desktop Entry]

  10. Hello

    I installed Sparky yesterday and I am very happy with it so far. How do I get conky back. It was there all day yesterday, but not today. Thanks.

    • @ Alfredo
      What version of SparkyLinux you installed? 2.0, 2.0.1, 2.1 Ultra or MATE, 32 or 64 bit?

  11. Spark Linux Ultra –

    How do I remove the piped menus from open box completely (including the generator and including all configuration files generated by what ever generator used.)? Nothing personal but I like configuring my menus by hand? I could remove the pipe-menus from the menu but the config files will still be there. ~/.config/openbox/marchobmenu/cache… Are there any located anywhere else like in the ect/xdg folder or where ever else?

    Other then that I would have to say it is a fabulous OS.

    • Hi John.
      A few location you have to remove/check:
      I hope its everything 🙂


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