HowTo: Install JDownloader and synchronize it with Iceweasel

Last Updated on: 29th April 2022, 02:03 pm

JDownloader is an open-source download manager written in Java.
The last stable version 0.9.x has been released in 2011, but it’s possible to try a testing version of the manager 2.x.

JDownloader Installer package (deb) is in SparkyLinux repository now and can be installed via the package manager: APT, Synaptic or Sparky-APTus-Extra.

The script will download the installer from the project server and will install JDownloader in your operating system.



After the installation process is finished you can synchronize JDownloader with Iceweasel web browser via FlashGot plugin. Install the plugin via the web browser plugin manager if you haven’t installed it yet.


Go to the plugin settings if you have installed FlashGot already.
It’s possible that JDowloader will NOT be available to choose as the default download manager.


In a case like that, use “Add” button and type a name for the manager, such as:


Now choose the executable file of JDownloader from:



As the last step go to the “Media FlashGot” tab and choose download manager:
“Default (JDownloader-custom)”.


Now you can close the FlashGot settings window.
JDownloader has been installed and synchronized with the web browser.

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