Sparky APTus Extra

Last Updated on: 29th April 2022, 02:05 pm

There is a new, small application called ‘Sparky-APTus-Extra’ available in our repository.
It lets you install some ‘popular’ tools via just one click.

APTus-Extra supports installation some applications such as:
– Custom ISO Builder
– DEB Package Builder
– Dropbox
– Eraser
– Live USB Creator
– Nightingale
– RSSOwl
– SeaMonkey
– Skype
– SpiderOak
– Steam
– TeamViewer
– TOR Browser
– VMware Player Installer
– and a few sparky’s tools

Most of the apps can be installed directly from sparky repo.
There is only one different than others – VMware Player Installer. The script can download VMware Player package from VMware server, install it, upgrade and remove.

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