Sparky APTus 0.4.36

aptus 5 debian kernel

Sparky APTus has been upgraded up to 0.4.36 (Sparky 5) & 0.4.38 (Sparky 6). There are small, but notable changes of APTus, which provide: – added Debian RealTime Linux kernel installation (Sparky 5 & 6) – added Debian Backports Linux kernel installation (Sparky 5) – Added Debian Backports RealTime Linux kernel installation (Sparky 5) – … Read more

XanMod Linux Kernel

xanmod kernel

There is a new tool available for Sparkers: XanMod Linux Kernel Installer What is XanMod Linux Kernel? XanMod is a general-purpose Linux kernel distribution with custom settings and new features. Built to provide a stable, responsive and smooth desktop experience. The real-time version is recommended for critical runtime applications such as Linux gaming eSports, streaming, … Read more

Sparky APTus AppCenter

aptus appcenter

There is a new application available for Sparkers: Sparky APTus AppCenter 20200725-beta1. What is APTus AppCenter? It is improved APTus, still Yad based, but with HTML technology, and still as small, fast and lightweight as possible. Don’t expect it can be comparable to other existing AppCenters, it is not. It is still set of bash … Read more

Upgrade Checker 0.1.10

aptus upgrade cron

There is an update of Sparky APTus Upgrade Checker 0.1.10 available in our repos. The Upgrade Checker checks package lists and displays an information about new updates, in a small graphical window. The latest version provides such changes: 1. Clicking on the “Yes” button to run Sparky Upgrade tool needs root password to be entered … Read more

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