Sparky APTus 0.4.36

Last Updated on: 27th April 2022, 12:58 pm

Sparky APTus has been upgraded up to 0.4.36 (Sparky 5) & 0.4.38 (Sparky 6).

There are small, but notable changes of APTus, which provide:
– added Debian RealTime Linux kernel installation (Sparky 5 & 6)
– added Debian Backports Linux kernel installation (Sparky 5)
– Added Debian Backports RealTime Linux kernel installation (Sparky 5)
– separated Linux kernel amd64 & i686 installation of Debian and Liquorix kernels (Sparky 5 & 6); it means, the kernel installer shows amd64 kernels only on the list of amd64 machines and shows i686 & i686-pae kernels only on machines i686.

* No need to manually configure the Debian backports repos on Sparky stable 5 – the tool will do that for you.
* If you already configured Debian backports repos – simply disable or remove it.

The new small features will be moved to APTus AppCenter too.


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