
Last Updated on: 27th April 2022, 12:59 pm

There is a new application available for Sparkers: Gomuks

What is Gomuks?

A terminal Matrix client written in Go using mautrix and mauview.

Installation (Sparky 6 amd64 & i386):

sudo apt update
sudo apt install gomuks

General usage:
– /help – View command list.
– /quit – Close gomuks.
– /clearcache – Clear room state and close gomuks.
– /logout – Log out, clear caches and go back to the login view.
– /fingerprint – Shows the Device ID and fingerprint, allowing verification of the session.
– /toggle – Toggle user preferences.
— rooms – Room list sidebar.
— users – User list sidebar.
— baremessages – Bare message mode where the sender name is inline with the messages.
— images – Text image rendering.
— typingnotif – Outgoing typing notifications.
— emojis – :emoji: conversion when sending messages.
— html – HTML input.
— markdown – Markdown input.
— downloads – Automatic downloads (this will also prevent images from working).
— notifications – Desktop notifications.
— unverified – Sending (e2ee keys for) messages to unverified devices. You need restart gomuks for this setting to take effect.

More info at the project’s GitHub wiki page.

Author: Tulir Asokan
License: GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
Web: github.com/tulir/gomuks/


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