SparkyLinux 3.6 Enlightenment19, JWM, Openbox & CLI

Last Updated on: 28th April 2022, 09:24 pm

SparkyLinux 3.6 Enlightenment19, JWM, Openbox and CLI is out.

ISO images of Sparky 3.6 e19, JWM and Openbox belong to the Base Edition.
Base Edition features core system, X server, window manager, web browser, text editor and a few tools. All the ISO images of Base Editions 3.6 are codecs free. It means that they don’t have preinstallled multimedia codecs, players, editors or plugins.

SparkyLinux 3.6 E19 features two themes for your choice:

1. RadianceE19-Sparky – it’s a RadianceE19 modified theme.
The theme has been prepered to be fitted to the Sparky’s default GTK theme ‘Sparky3-theme’ and the icon set ‘NoirCrystal’. The wallpaper is made by LiquidSky64.
The Radiance theme originally created by Alberto “Duma” Verdoja and released under a CC-by license.

2. Default (the default Enlightenment theme) + DeLorean-Dark GTK theme for integration with GTK based applications.

The look of the JWM and Openbox desktops have been slightly improved + installed Sparky default theme and icon set.

System has been synchronized with Debian “testing” repository as of 15/12/2014.

New iso images features as well:
– Linux kernel 3.16.0-4 (3.16.7-ckt2-1)
– grub 2.02~beta2-18
– jwm 2.1.0+svn579-2
– openbox 3.5.2-8
– pcmanfm 1.2.3-1 (jwm & openbox editions only)
– enlightenment19 – 0.19.1 – compiled from git repository up to version with:
– EFL & Elementary 1.12.1
– Python-EFL 1.12.0
– Terminology 0.7

The latest version of Enlightenment 0.19.2 is available in Sparky repository as a regular update.

New applications in Sparky repo:
– XnViewMP 0.71 – free photo editor, manager and viewer
– Master PDF Editor – a convenient and smart XPS and PDF editor

The minimal iso image of CLI Edition has gotten additional tool: wicd-curses
Sparky CLI doesn’t support installation on EFi machines.

Use the new iso images to perform fresh Sparky installation.
If you have Sparky installed already on your hard drive, make full system upgrade (as root):
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
apt-get install -f

In a case of any problem visit our forums.
In a case of any problem with the default live installer, try to use the older installer which can be run by the command:
sudo sparkylinux-installer gui
sudo sparkylinux-installer
The old installer doesn’t work on machines with EFI.

New iso images of SparkyLinux for 32 and 64 bit machines can be downloaded from our download page.
Following changes in Debian testing, the 32 bit kernel is targeted for i586 (non-pae) machines now.

All wallpapers can be downloaded from our account on sourceforge

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