Sparky 7.4

The 4th update of Sparky 7 – 7.4 is out.

It is a quarterly updated point release of Sparky 7 “Orion Belt” of the stable line. Sparky 7 is based on and fully compatible with Debian 12 “Bookworm”.

– all packages updated from Debian and Sparky stable repos as of June 9, 2024
– Linux kernel PC: 6.1.90 LTS (6.9.4, 6.6.32-LTS, 6.1.92-LTS, 5.15.160-LTS in sparky repos)
– Linux kernel ARM: 6.6.31 LTS
– LibreOffice 7.4.7
– KDE Plasma 5.27.5
– LXQt 1.2.0
– MATE 1.26
– Xfce 4.18
– Openbox 3.6.1
– Firefox 115.11.0esr (127.0 & 115.12.0esr in sparky repos)
– Thunderbird 115.11.0
– added Debian backports Linux kernels installation to APTus: 64bit, 64bit RT, 686-pae, 686-pae RT, 686 non-pae

Sparky 7.4 “Orion Belt” is available in the following versions:
– amd64 BIOS/UEFI+Secure Boot: Xfce, LXQt, MATE, KDE Plasma, MinimalGUI (Openbox) & MinimalCLI (text mode)
– i686 non-pae BIOS/UEFI (Legacy): MinimalGUI (Openbox) & MinimalCLI (text mode)
– ARMHF & ARM64 Openbox & CLI

Due to an error being detected at the last moment, the Xfce and MATE iso have been reconfigured and recreated as the 7.4.1.

Make sure that the ‘os-prober’ will be not executed to detect other bootable partitions as default, but Sparky provides a GRUB option to detect other OSes anyway.
But, a next updating of GRUB packages override the option.
To fix that manually, add the line:
on the end of the file (as root):
Then update grub:
sudo update-grub

PC live user:password = live:live
ARM user:password = pi:sparky

If you have Sparky 7 installed – simply keep it up to date. No need to reinstall your OS.

New ISO/IMG images of Sparky 7 “Orion Belt” can be downloaded from the download/stable page.

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6 thoughts on “Sparky 7.4”

  1. Created persistance live usb via sparky 7.4, at reboot screen, offers to save session vis clicking dialogue box, BUT does not save. Yes, I like to work from usb stick systems so I may use ANY computer. Please help. Thanks, John

  2. Why you put password in live Iso? The live user does not work, user live, pass live. Sparky KDE Stable 7.4.

  3. G’day from Oz.
    I just upgraded from Sparky 4 Tyche to 7.4 Orion’s belt, Mate.
    Far too long and the 12 y.o thinkpad to 8 y.o. Dell.
    It is a pleasure to use & packed with many gifts.

    Thanks so much . . . along with other grand endeavours
    from your country : Joseph Conrad, Stanislaw Lem, Tomasz Stanko, Rye bread and


  4. Dear SparkyLinux

    Thank you for this absolutally fantastic release. Theres no one over or at the side. You have done a beautiful job with the start menu and the fonts compared to version 7.3. And I’m so glad that you have both Mullvad VPN and browser in your repos:)

    I hope that more people now will convert to SparkyLinux so you get the rise in popularity that you deserve.

    I promise to donate soon.

    Kind regards
    Ofle Pappa


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