Updates 2014/11/03

Last Updated on: 20th September 2023, 03:54 pm

We have two new apps in our repo:

1. As Jessie mentioned at the Weekly Distrowatch Issue 581, you can’t manage the system services using the standard ‘systemd-ui’ tool.
sparky-systemd-ui lets you manage systemd units as root.
It provides the Menu entry to do so.

2. ‘System Upgrade’ is the second new app which lets you fully upgrade the system.
Simply install ‘sparky-aptus-upgrade’ package from our repository.

1. As GenyC suggested on our forums, I added application status to the ‘sparky-aptus-extra’ tool. Now you can see has an application been installed or not.
Updated up to version 0.1.7

2. Tor Browser has been upgraded up to version 4.0.1 which includes Tor

3. VMware Player On-Line Installer has been updated to the 6.0.4-1 version.

4. Sparky Conky manager upgraded up to version 0.1.7-1. (thank’s to way12go)
It includes a new applet with a battery status (not enabled)

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