Updates 2014/10/21

Last Updated on: 20th September 2023, 03:54 pm

Updates in Sparky repository as of 2014/10/21:
– sparky-center-lxde-0.2.2 – two packages have been removed from Debian testing repo, so they broken sparky-center-lxde-0.2.1;
– sparky-aptus-extra-0.1.6 – added new app ‘veracrypt’ to the list;
– radiance-e19-sparky-0.1.2 – the default e19 Sparky theme with the right wallpaper ‘8mmb’;
– e19- – version 0.19.1 of Enlightenment 19 is compiled and tested so you can upgrade it now;
– veracrypt-1.0e added to repository – a free disk encryption software based on TrueCrypt; can be installed via Synaptic, APTus-Extra or APT.

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