Next year with You

Last Updated on: 19th September 2023, 10:28 pm


Donate I’d like to let you know that we collected all the money to pay for our server.

Statistically, this year most donors came from Poland and only 3 guys from others countries. It quiet sad, because most Sparky downloads is from other countries than Poland.

So many guys use Sparky and I am wondering is really difficult to send us just 5 Dollars/Euros/etc. It is not much for anybody and a big number of senders with a small amount can make bigger amount of all the money we need.

Anyway I’d like to thank all of you very much for supporting Sparky project.
Don’t forget that you can donate all the year, we pay bills every month.

Visit the donation page to find out how to send money.
Aneta & Paweł


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