Live users and passwords

SparkyLinux Live mode user name is: live The password is: live System root (administrator) password is blank. If you have to work as superuser, use “sudo” (with no password): sudo command If you have to work as root, do: sudo su To set up Live mode root password: sudo su passwd

System tools and apps screenshots

e17 fonts configuration e17 gadgets configuration e17 icons configuration e17 locales configuration e17 screen resolution configuration e17 settings main window e17 shelves configuration e17 wallpapers configuration GNOME System Monitor GParted Gufw Htop Midnight Commander NTFS config tool PCManFM Sun Java configuration Synaptic Top UNetbootin Update Manager   Back to -> Screenshots main page  

System requirements

What is the minimum system requirements to run SparkyLinux? SparkyLinux is designed for old and new machines as well (32 and 64 bit). Minimum is: – CPU i486 / amd64 – 256MB RAM – LXDE, e17, Openbox, GameOver – 384MB RAM – MATE, Razor-Qt – 128MB RAM – CLI Edition – 512MB SWAP partition or … Read more

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