SparkyLinux 2.1 rc Ultra Edition

New year and new challenges. One of them I just realized 🙂 SparkyLinux 2.1 rc “Eris” Ultra Edition has been released. It’s well known SparkyLinux 2.0 “Eris” but with new, ultra lightweight two desktops: Fluxbox and Openbox. SparkyLinux e17/LXDE is light for sure, but the “Ultra” Edition is even lighter. All SparkyLinux releases 2.x code … Read more

Live users and passwords

SparkyLinux Live mode user name is: live The password is: live System root (administrator) password is blank. If you have to work as superuser, use “sudo” (with no password): sudo command If you have to work as root, do: sudo su To set up Live mode root password: sudo su passwd

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