Updates and new packages 2016/09/17

  There are 3rd party updates available in the Sparky repository now: – Budgie desktop 10.2.7-3 (rebuilt due to upgrade libmutter0h -> libmutter0i) – EFL 1.18.1 – Itch client 18.9.0 – Sparky’s Linux kernel 4.7.4 (via Sparky ‘unstable’ repository) – TOR Browser 6.0.5 – VMware Player online installer 12.5.0 (works on Debian stable only) – … Read more

Linux kernel 4.7.0

The latest stable version of Linux kernel 4.7.0 landed in Sparky “unstable” repository. Make sure you have Sparky “unstable” repository https://wiki.sparkylinux.org/doku.php/repository active to upgrade or install the latest kernel. amd64: sudo apt-get install linux-image-sparky-amd64 686 non-pae: sudo apt-get install linux-image-sparky-686 686-pae: sudo apt-get install linux-image-sparky-686-pae Then reboot your machine to take effects. To quick remove … Read more

Linux kernel 4.6.0

There is an update of the latest stable version of Linux kernel 4.6.0 available in Sparky “unstable” repository. Make sure you have Sparky “unstable” repository https://wiki.sparkylinux.org/doku.php/repository active to upgrade or install the latest kernel. amd64: sudo apt-get install linux-image-sparky-amd64 686 non-pae: sudo apt-get install linux-image-sparky-686 686-pae: sudo apt-get install linux-image-sparky-686-pae Then reboot you machine to … Read more

How to install the newest linux kernel?

This post is out of date, check -> https://wiki.sparkylinux.org/doku.php/linux_kernel SparkyLinux 2.0 is based on Debian testing “Wheezy” so it featuring Linux kernel 3.2 LTS. If you need to install the newest Linux kernel, you have to: 1. In text console edit (as root) “sources.list” and add Debian unstable “Sid” repos: su nano /etc/apt/sources.list 2. Add … Read more

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