Sparky 2022.07 Special Editions

There are new iso images of Sparky 2022.07 Special Editions: GameOver, Multimedia & Rescue ready to go. Changes between Sparky Special Editions 2022.04 and 2022.07: – all packages updated from testing repos as of July 16, 2022 – Linux kernel 5.18.5 (5.18.12 & 5.15.55-LTS in sparky unstable repos) – All: added Onboard, Nala, zstd; removed: … Read more

Sparky 2021.12 Special Editions

sparky 7 multimedia

There are new iso images of Sparky 2021.12 Special Editions: GameOver, Multimedia & Rescue ready to go. No big changes, all packages have been updated as of December 24, 2021 so the new images work on Linux kernel 5.15.5, and follow changes of the latest edition of Sparky 2021.12. No reinstallation is required if you … Read more

Sparky 2021.03 Special Editions

sparky 7 multimedia

Special editions of Sparky 2021.03 GameOver, Multimedia & Rescue released. The release is based on the Debian testing “Bullseye”. Changes: – system upgraded from Debian testing repos as of March 12, 2021 – Linux kernel 5.10.19 (5.11.6 & 5.12-rc2 in Sparky unstable repos) – Calamares 3.2.37 + kpmcore 20.12.3 – Sparky APTus AppCenter 20210312 – … Read more

Sparky 2020.12 Special Editions

sparky 7 multimedia

Special editions of Sparky 2020.12 GameOver, Multimedia & Rescue released. It is based on the Debian testing “Bullseye”. Changes: • packages updated from Debian testing repos as of December 17, 2020 • Linux kernel 5.9.11 (5.10.1 in Sparky unstable repos) • Calamares 3.2.34 + kpmcore 4.2.0 • APTus replaced by APTus AppCenter RC1 • added … Read more

Sparky 2020.08 Special Editions

Special editions of Sparky 2020.08 GameOver, Multimedia & Rescue released. It is based on the Debian testing “Bullseye”. Changes: • packages updated from Debian testing repos as of August 24, 2020 • Linux kernel 5.7.10 (5.8.3 & 5.9-rc2 in Sparky unstable repos) • added Memory Test and Hardware Detection to the live config • installed … Read more

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