Sparky 7.0.1

There is an update of Sparky ISO images of the stable line 7.0.1 out there. This is a minor update, it mainly fixed an issue of the live config, which did not let you launch password reqiured application without password in live session, such as: Calamares, APTus, GParted, Gufw, etc. Now, the apps don’t need … Read more

Teams for Linux

teams for linux

There is a new application available for Sparkers: Teams for Linux What is Teams for Linux? Unofficial Microsoft Teams client for Linux using Electron. It uses the Web App and wraps it as a standalone application using Electron. The official client for Linux from Microsoft is retired by the end of 2022 and is replaced … Read more

Sparky 2023.07 Special Editions

sparky 8 multimedia

There are new iso images of Sparky 2023.07 Special Editions out there: GameOver, Multimedia and Rescue. The March update of Sparky Special Edition iso images features Linux kernel 6.3.7, updated packages from Debian and Sparky testing repos as of July 22, 2023, and most changes introduced at the 2023.07 release. If you would like to … Read more

Sparky 2023.07

sparkylinux 8 xfce

This is the July update of Sparky rolling iso images which works on Linux kernel 6.3, and provides updated packages from Debian ‘trixie’ and Sparky ‘sisters’ testing repos. What’s new: – all packaged upgraded from Debian and Sparky testing repos as of July 16, 2023 – Linux kernel 6.3.7 (6.4.3 & 6.1.38-ESR & 5.15.120-ESR in … Read more

ISO MinimalGUI i686

There is iso image of Sparky 7.0 MinimalGUI i686 available to download. As you know, Sparky 7 still supports i686 architecture (32 bit), but I created only MinimalCLI (text mode) i686 iso image before. But… I didn’t expect it is still popular and in use, maybe not so popular as amd64, but still is. So, … Read more

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