SparkyLinux 4.5 is out

There is an update of SparkyLinux 4.5 “Tyche” available now.

As before, Sparky “Home” editions provide fully featured operating system based on Debian ‘testing’ with desktops of your choice: LXDE, LXQt, KDE, MATE and Xfce.

Sparky MinimalGUI and MinimalCLI lets you install the base system with a minimal set of applications and your favorite desktop, via the Sparky Advanced Installer.

Changes between 4.4 and 4.5:
– full system upgrade as of November 29, 2016
– Linux kernel 4.8.7 as default (4.8.12-sparky available in Sparky ‘unstable’ repo)
– Firefox 45.5.0 ESR (Firefox 50.0.2 available in our repos)
– Icedove 45.4 (Thunderbird 45.5.1 available in our repos)
– LibreOffice 5.2.3-rc1
– libc6 2.24, systemd 232-6, python 2.7.12 + 3.5.2, gcc 5.4.1 + 6.2.0
– added 2 new desktops to be installed via the MinimalGUI/CLI and APTus: CDE (Common Desktop Environment), DDE (Deepin Desktop Environment); Pantheon desktop has been removed from the configuration
– all Sparky pages (blog, forums, wiki) are encrypted so they are available via the https protocol now; it did not make changes in Sparky repos
– Netsurf web browser replaced by Midori in MinimalGUI Edition – it does not work well with the https protocol
– added support for ‘exfat’ file system

Big thanks go to our community members, for their intensive help on Sparky forums and community portals.

Known issues:
– the live system does not work well inside VirtualBox (but works fine inside VMware Workstation, in BIOS and EFI mode)

ISO images of SparkyLinux can be downloaded from the download page.


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