SparkyLinux 4.4-dev20160617

Last Updated on: 20th September 2023, 12:30 pm

There is testing iso image of Sparky 4.4-dev20160617 MinimalGUI ready to go.

The dev iso image features:
• Linux kernel 4.6 + the latest updates from Debian ‘testing’ repos
• the Calamares installer which replaced the Live Installer. Calamares is available in the desktop’s Menu-> System-> Sparky Installer (the same name as the Live Installer before), or via ‘sudo calamares’ command. It works on BIOS machines well, but still doesn’t with UEFI, see more details
• new theme ‘Numix-SX’. The ‘numix-theme’ package provides 3 themes of your choice: Numix-SX-Dark (default), Numix-SX-DarkFull and Numix-SX-Light. It offers GTK+ 3.20 support as well.
• Sparky Advanced Installer provides support for one more desktop to be installed straight from the live media: Trinity (TDE), and fixed small issue with i3 desktop configuration file.

The development iso images for i686 and x86_64 machines are placed on the download/development page.
Please test it and report whatever you find.

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