SparkyLinux 3.6 LXQt dev1

Last Updated on: 28th April 2022, 09:23 pm

When two open-source projects LXDE and Razor-Qt have merged into the one LXQt i knew that the day to make new spin is coming. On the other side, a few guys of our community members were asking me about LXQt spin and pushing me to make it.

I’d like to let you know I don’t have so much time to compile it myself.
I handle e19 for a while which takes a lot of my free time.

So to make you happy and save my time I built LXQt spin using Siduction’s LXQt packages.
I also would like to thank to siduction devs for their good work.
The packages work very well on the top of my installation of Debian testing and I believe that Sparky LXQt spin will be working fine on yours machines as well.

What is under the hood of Sparky 3.6 LXQt dev1 iso?
– base system of Debian testing as of 20/12/2014
– lxqt packages
– a few sparky tools
– live installer

Sparky LXQt spin can be downloaded from the development section of our download page.

Enjoy testing and Merry Xmas.

4 thoughts on “SparkyLinux 3.6 LXQt dev1”

  1. Razor-Qt is dead already, so the natural order will be simply – just keep playing with LXQt.
    Thank’s for your opinion 🙂

  2. Hi
    Thanks so much for the effort of doing this spin.
    Tt seems that LXQt is the future of lightweight desktops so I suggest that you do not spend more effort developing the spin of RazorQT and supersede it by LXQt.
    Its only an oppinion.
    Regards, and thank you again for your effort.

  3. This is wonderful. I am able to run it with Kwin smoothly on a low end machine. Add to that the sparky tools and repos and your distros have replaced Ubuntu on my machines. Thank you so much 🙂


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