SparkyLinux 3.6-dev1 Budgie

Last Updated on: 28th April 2022, 09:13 pm

A new version of SparkyLinux 3.6-dev1 with Budgie desktop is available for testing.

Budgie is the flagship desktop of the Evolve OS Linux Distribution, and is an Evolve OS project. Designed with the modern user in mind, it focuses on simplicity and elegance. A huge advantage for the Budgie desktop is that it is not a fork of another project, but rather one written from scratch with integration in mind.

The new ISO image of Sparky Budgie features:
– Debian testing base as of 2015/01/31
– Budgie desktop from git repository as of 2015/01/31
– a few basic tools for managing the system
– a few Sparky tools
– live system installer

Make sure, that Budgie desktop is still under development and can makes problems.
If you find an issue of Budgie desktop – report it on Evolve OS/Budgie forums.
If you find an other problem – report it on SparkyLinux forums

The testing iso images can be downloaded from ‘development’ section of the download page

You can also test the Budgie desktop on the top of your present Debian testing or SparkyLinux installation.

How to install Budgie Desktop from Sparky repository:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install budgie-desktop

Check is everything Ok:
sudo apt-get install -f
sudo reboot

Known issues:
– a wallpaper has to be set manually after installation Sparky on a hard drive

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