SparkyLinux 3.0 beta1 Core is out

Last Updated on: 28th December 2013, 02:45 am


SparkyLinux 3.0 beta1 Core “Annagerman” is ready for testing.
It has been built on the “testing” branch of Debian GNU/Linux “Jessie”.
It’s designed for people who want to build their own desktop over the top of Debian testing
or unstable Sid.

What is inside of Sparky Core Live?
1. Debian testing base system, synchronized with Debian testing repos of 27/05/2013.
2. SparkyLinux text mode installer, which can be run:
sudo sparkylinux-installer

3. Set of wireless network cards drivers.
Some of them require to load a module before Ceni starts.

4. Ceni network manager, to be run (in Live system):

sudo ceni

After hard/usb drive installation:


5. Elinks web browser
6. Centerim instant messenger
7. Ufw
8. unzip, unrar, p7zip-full, htop, ntfs-3g, nano
9. Midnight Commander file manager & ftp client
10. Set of Sparky wallpapers located in /opt/wallpapers/ dir.

Sparky Core uses repos as default:
– Debian testing
– Debian Sid (non active)
– Liquorix – newer Linux kernel
– Opera web browser
– Google-Chrome web browser
– PlayOnLinux

If your machine needs newer Linux kernel, install it after hard/usb drive installation:
apt-get update
apt-cache search linux-image
apt-get install linux-image-version

If you prefer Debian unstable then testing, simply change repository at ‘source.list’ file:

nano /etc/apt/sources.list

  and do full system upgrade:
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade

Live system’s user name: live
Password: live
Root password is blank.

SparkyLinux Core iso images are available for 32 and 64 bit machines.


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