SparkyLinux 2.0 “Eris”

Last Updated on: 18th November 2016, 09:32 pm


The final version of SparkyLinux 2.0 “Eris” e17/LXDE just arrived.
The system has been completely built on Debian testing “Wheezy”.

The default desktop is as usually Enlightenment, but there is (at the same media) LXDE desktop as well. It has been added for these users witch are not happy with e17.
Both system’s desktops are light and fast, perfect works on new and old machines.
I’d like to add that SparkyLinux 1.0 “Venus” based on Debian “Squeeze” is not under development any more.
All my attention I paid (and i will do later) to SparkyLinux compatible with Debian testing.
It will help to keep SparkyLinux as rolling release so it will not be needed to reinstall SparkyLinux to newer version releases as new iso media in the future.

All known bugs has been fixed.
I have been made a few additional changes:
– parcellite and qt4-qtconfig added
– a view of all app’s windows are now the same (e17, gtk i qt)
– fonts hinting changed for “medium” (LXDE desktop)
– all packages have been upgraded

Live system starts with LXDE desktop first.
To change it for Enlightenment simply log out and log in back :
user: live
password: live
Root password is empty.

Hardware requirements for SparkyLinux 2.x :
– CPU 32 bit i386 (or newer)
– CPU 64 bit x86_64
– RAM memory 256MB (minimum) + 512MB SWAP
– RAM 512MB (recommended) or bigger + 512-1024 SWAP
– DVD drive or Flash Disk USB
– screen resolution 800×600 minimum
– for hard drive installation 5GB of disk space (minimum) – 10GB recommended

ISO images of SparkyLinux 32 and 64 bit are ready for download from our download page.

Thank’s for suggestions, advices and testing for Albedo 0.64, AlbatroZ and MoroS.


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4 thoughts on “SparkyLinux 2.0 “Eris””

  1. @pavroo

    Hi, I used a usb pendrive with Unetbootin : live starts very quickly. Sorry Pavroo, but i can’t check the system with VirtualBox … pc is not so powerfull for it ! Best wishes for your gracefully work and thank you: I like Sparky 1.0 and I was able really to personalize everything in it. I hope I ‘ll made the same with Eris ! °_°…..:-)
    Please, correct this bug °_*

    • The problem shows up on some USB sticks and some DVD’s, but not on everyone. Live works on a virtual machines with no problems. Anyway, after hard drive installation you have an access to both desktops for sure.

  2. I downloaded the 32 bit release, but i can’t change into e17 desktop. Logout doesn’t work. I’m very glad because I really like Sparkylinux. I hopeyou findthis bug and resolve it. Thank you s much ! .-)

    • Hi
      Did you try Sparky from DVD or USB?
      Can you check it again on VirtualBox and let me know is there the same problem, please?


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