Sparky 5.8 RC2 ARMHF

Last Updated on: 1st July 2019, 10:39 am

New images of Sparky 5.8 RC2 for RaspberryPi are ready to go. Sparky 5.8 RC is a release candidate and is based on upcoming Debian stable Buster.

The ARMHF images are available in two flavours:
• CLI – a text based OS only, so you can configure the system in your way
• Openbox – graphical version with the Openbox window manager and a few pre-installed applications

Known issues:
– Openbox edition: the Openbox starts, but other tools (panel, wallpaper, network manager, audio applet, etc.) could not start at first time; if so, wait 2 minutes about to let one of my scripts works and simply reboot (an active network connection required!)

Please test the new images and report whatever you find.
The 5.8 release candidate iso/img images can be downloaded from the download/development page.

Edit 2019/07/01:
Image 5.8 RC3 fixed the above problem, but the first Openbox loading can be a little longer than normal.

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