Sparky 2021.06

Last Updated on: 7th October 2023, 03:50 pm

Sparky 2021.06, the semi-rolling release which is based on Debian testing “Bullseye” is out.
Debian Bullseye is hard frozen now, and is going to Full Freeze soon, so it is perfect time to give Sparky 6 a try before become stable.

– all packages updated from Debian and Sparky testing repos as of June 22
– Linux kernel 5.10.40 LTS (5.12.13 & 5.13-rc7 in Sparky unstable repos)
– added RiseupVPN to all iso images, which helps you protect your privacy using all networking applications
– fonts set to size 11
– a new application Sparky Welcome which replaced Sparky First Run
– small improvements
– MinimalGUI: changed Thunar to a two panels DoubleCMD-Gtk

System re-installation is not required, make full system upgrade via Sparky Upgrade gui tool or a command:



sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade

New rolling iso images can be downloaded from the download/rolling page.


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